Context: In the first book of the A.T.X.D. Series, Richard and Bravo Team are working to liberate Groom Lake AFB (a.k.a. Area 51) from an occupation and illegal experimentation effort by the Kronosian Empire on abducted U.S. soldiers. Late in the story, after they have gained the support of some surviving soldiers (Navy SEAL William Roberts, Army Private Sophia Danes, and Air Force Tech Sergeant Cassandra Wayne), Bravo Team is attempting to track down and neutralize the remaining Kronosian forces in the depths of Area 51's underground facilities. Below is a funny scene that occurs at the height of one of the firefights under the base.
“Richard, on your left!” Ashley suddenly shouted, and the former Ranger ducked behind his shield just in time as an automatic turret descended from a panel in the ceiling and fired at his position. Ashley blasted the cannon with a few quick bursts from her rifle, but two more cannons descended ahead of them.
Great, Richard thought to himself furiously. The Kronosians appear to have also reprogrammed the base’s defense system.
“Bravo Leader. Tiger. Status.” Dave then requested over the radio.
“Grizzly, the automatic defense system in this zone is active!” Richard reported, “Can you or your team locate the control panel or CPU and disable it? And I know I shouldn’t be giving orders here, but shoot the CPU or control system if you must. These things are repeatedly pinning us down!”
“Got it, Tiger. Hang in there, we’ll shut it down.”
Switching channels to Cassy, Dave inquired, “Tech Sergeant, do you know where the control units for the defense system are?”
“The Main CPU control room is just ahead,” Cassy replied, pointing to a small array of computer modules in an enclosed room adjacent to their walkway, “I believe it’s the center computer in the middle row.”
After taking down three more Kronosians standing guard in the control room, William entered, approached the monitor, and opened up the override command box. Jack and Mark meanwhile guarded the doorway whilst Dave and James continued to fire on some straggling enemies downstairs.
“Valid passcode required,” came a cool female voice from the monitor’s speakers.
“Argh, dammit,” William hissed, as he knew he didn’t have access to the command codes. He then proceeded to ask, “Cassy, do you remember how to override the defense system?”
“I...which computer are you using?”
“Center unit, number...monitor number 6. Isn’t this the only one?”
“You’re right, sorry. Do you have the command override box open?”
“Yes, it wants the override code.”
“Try 00-51-04-98,” Cassy suggested, and William typed the code in.
“Access denied,” the cool female voice returned with a red window on the screen.
“Goddamnit,” William hissed, then asked Cassy, “Are you sure that’s right? It didn’t let me through.”
“Wait,” Cassy suddenly responded. “Oh fuck, the Kronosians must’ve hijacked those computers also. They’ve hardwired every other terminal on the way here. Chances are they did the same with the basement defense system.”
“Can’t we find some way to reboot the computers?”
“I’d need to get over there, but Sophia and I are still a little occupied. Hang tight, I’ll be there soon.”
“Cassy, Richard and Ashley are downstairs and being cornered by the defensive guns. You know what those things are capable of.”
“Will, I can’t do anything about it from here. You’re just gonna…”
Not out of disrespect for Cassy, but William had heard enough. Picking up his rifle, he smashed the butt of it into the screen, sending a small shower of sparks and a cloud of smoke into the air. Another monitor suddenly beeped irritably, but William saw a message displayed on its screen that, given the circumstances, was actually good news.
“WARNING! Basement security defense system disabled. Source: fault with Main CPU.”
“Phew,” William replied, then got on the radio and responded, “Actually, Cassy, problem solved.”
“What? You got the CPU fixed?” Cassy asked, rather surprised.
“Uh, yeah. I think I managed to re-hardwire the terminal.”
That clearly didn’t convince Cassy, as the Tech Sergeant’s next reply was, “Oh William, please don’t tell me you broke the computer.”
Being a little embarrassed by the question, William switched channels and got onto Richard’s radio.
“Lance Corporal, are you guys encountering any more of those auto-cannons?”
“Not anymore,” Richard’s voice replied. “Did you figure it out?”
“...Somewhat…” William said with an unsure voice as he looked back at the central CPU unit, which continued to spit out occasional small sparks. As he picked up his rifle again, William muttered, “When Cassy does find out about this, she is going to kill me.”