When they were young, their parents noticed they had many disturbing imaginary friends. Many playtimes were filled with friends who had missing heads, bloody clothes, or gaping wounds. When Rowan heard whispers of murders, crimes, and unexplainable that occurred, therapists and police were soon involved. It seemed that Rowan knew of things that others couldn’t have known - all heard from the “imaginary friends”.
As a young adult, Rowan was taken under a local religious leader’s wing and learn the ways of exorcism. As soon as they became an adult legally, they left behind their old life to travel abroad and help others with supernatural dangers. Much to the dismay of their family and friends, this life was chosen over close relationships.
After a few years of traveling, they found out that their best friend was dead. Coming back to mourn, Rowan caught rumors that the place Morgan was murdered was haunted. Hoping to talk to their friend one last time, Rowan comes to confront their spirit and find out who murdered their friend.
Specter (Morgan):
Here exists a sad and lonely life. Morgan’s parents never wanted children and when they had one, they seemed to ignore that fact. Morgan learned quickly how to fend for themselves and survive. One of the bright spots of childhood was Rowan, another youth who never seemed to really “fit in”.
Morgan spent the majority of youth trying to coast through life - after all, not a single person expected a successful or happy life for them. Rowan was one of the only people to push Morgan to choose a happy life. Sadly, when Rowan chose the life of exorcism over their friendship, Morgan spiraled into a life of addiction. One night, Morgan disappeared. The police didn’t find the body until months later and no one called in a missing person notice.
Finding themselves trapped in the place they were murdered, Morgan haunted it with a vengeful spirit. Many people who investigated came out with scars and near-death experiences. Since the hauntings started, no one dares to go near the place.