While Waterlord Zul (POV) and her friend Icelord Eryx journeyed through the Subcontinent, they stumbled on a Shadow near the shore. The Shadows were too close to something Zul does not want them to have, so she decides to take a stand at the beachhead of her adversary's landing. Unfortunately for Zul, however, she was about to have her second bout with the Shadow Icelord Danterius, the man who made Zul take two ship rides to the subcontinent because on the first Dante stopped her. Dante blocked her once, and now Zul wishes to return the favor.
“Give me that!” I swooped the spyglass from Eryx’s hands. Indeed, it was who I thought: Icelord Danterius. Through his ice conjurings, the Icelord had constructed an ice bridge where a majority of his men followed their leader toward the beachhead. As they approached, skiing quicker as the seconds went by, I realized what we had to do. Somehow, and in some way, Dante had found me. I must put up a fight.
“Follow me!” I ordered, climbing away from the beach, where the sand meshed with dirt. This was a more suitable location.
“They can see us, Zul!” Eryx hissed.
“I know. Get ready to fight.”
“Hand me an ice blade.”
“Are you serious?
“Hand me an ice blade, Eryx!”
“Fine!” Now, our blades matched, waiting for the impending battle…
When the Shadows’ landing party reached the sand, their flag bearer gave Dante a stick, for which he planted on the ground to wave his banner of skull-and-crossbones.
“What do we have here?” He hummed, eyeing the two of us standing on the high ground. “Assemble!”
His pirates all gathered in a straight line, crossbows, swords, and shields in hand. It wasn’t like his infantry weren’t nervous, either—each had their own wicked smile, licking their lips, tasting the tension in the air.
“Not past this line,” Dante tapped the ground with the sole of his boot. “Clever, clever. Laying traps on the shore.” He winked at me, before freezing the whole beach in a sheet of ice. The ice melted into water, sinking into the sand which unearthed everything I had placed. “But not clever enough.”
“That was a test, actually,” I lied. “Had to see if you were vigilant enough to fight me.”
“Fight you?” The Shadow Icelord grinned, “Oh, what a pleasure…” While his black robes fluttered in the wind, he yelled, “Men, I have a question! Is this a moment before another glorious battle?”
“Aye, sir!” they said in unison.
“And who stands to oppose me? Zul and… a man with a popsicle for a sword? My, that is creative.”
“It’s an Iceblade!” Eryx defended.
“Oh, don’t sell yourself short, I remember when I was weak. At least, I knew it then. What’s your name, no-sword?”
“Eryx,” he said beside me, embarrassment stinging his tongue.
“Pleasure to meet you, Eryx.” Dante gripped his chest. “I’m sure you know my name by now. Skilled by the blade, of course. Eye-captivatingly strong and oh-so swift, you won’t even know what hit you.”
“The best there is!” His pirates murmured and agreed. “You can’t find a better swordsman.”
“You are all too kind,” he blushed. “But I should introduce someone you—Eryx—haven’t seen. Frankly, Zul, I suggest you close your eyes. You might not like who it is…”
“I’m sorry,” I retorted. “What games are you playing?”
“Games?” a familiar voice chuckled behind a pirate.
A puff of gray smoke rose from the Shadow Icelord’s side, and until I could notice the man of the hour, Dante sneered, “Introducing the CEO of the Sashan Free Traders, the man, the myth, the tycoon of the southwest: Merchant Valdrec.”
My eyes couldn’t believe it—there he stood, with a cigar in his mouth, puffing smoke into the air. Valdrec: the man who stole my business, who stole my way of life and destroyed everything I’d built. The gray mist dissipated around his face, yet his white teeth stretched along the right side of his mouth, grinning so slyly that it was punchable. Of course, he sided with Dante. It explains everything! The dockyard fires. The constant raids on my ships! Valdrec never got targeted by the Shadows because he was always a part of them! How long has he been working with Danterius?
On his side, Valdrec whipped out a bejeweled spyglass, twirling it in his hand. “I know, I know, Zul. I’m a cheat, but that’s just how business is conducted nowadays. Turns out, the Shadows have excellent markets—your personal embargoes have always damaged trade. Ah! Another reason why I am better at the helm!”
“That’s because they’re the Shadows,” I emphasized. “They’re not your friend, you gold-hoarding idiot. They’re gonna turn on you—”
“Ah, ah, ah—” Valdrec raised his index finger. “And that’s where you’re wrong. You see, Zul. The Shadows are a lot like your favorite shareholders: they know who’s winning because the one who’s winning has the cash to back it,” he flipped a coin, landing in a pirate’s hand; the Shadow buccaneer seemed rather happy, putting the gold in his pocket. “And I’m sure you didn’t pay Eryx a fair amount, did you? Eryx! How would you like a chestful of those coins—you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”
“Yeah?” He leaned in. What the hell is he doing? He and I made eye contact. Eryx shook his head and cleared his throat before saying, “Well—for being a Trianitian Merchant, you sure know how to betray Trianite,” then he thundered his voice, “And work with the Shadows? You should be ashamed of yourself!”
Valdrec and Danterius chuckled as Eryx continued.
“If Trianite catches you—if She sees how you betrayed Her nation—”
“Oh, if She finds out,” Valdrec whimpered, then proceeded to full-on spit out, “I’ll have you know: I’m good friends with the Military, and especially the ones who garrison the Subcontinent. I know who you are, Eryx. In fact, I know who your superior is! I can get you jailed for running that mouth of yours, I can get you tortured, maybe even hanged if I pay the right people.”
“You corrupt—” Eryx tried.
“Corrupt?” Valdrec laughed. “Of course, I’m corrupt. How do you think I win all the time? Shareholders? Bought out. Trianite’s Military? Bought out. The fucking Shadows? Bought out!”
“You’re horrible,” was all I had to say.
“Oh, what’s so bad about them if I can do this?” Valdrec snapped his fingers, “Dante! Kill these two.”
“With your permission or not,” Dante lustfully purred. “Arist!” A man with a palette was summoned to the Icelord’s side. “Engrain this scene to your memory!”
“I want every single soul in that picture.”
“Everyone?” Valdrec questioned.
“Now…” The Shadow Icelord smiled. “Pray for mercy.”