Representing the worst aspects of Doryoku is Wayward Dreams' antagonist Count Christophe Sakamoto! His worldview is drastically different from that of the Tiakians' yet his worst traits are the same ones he is celebrated for in the empire. We're about to learn just how Doryokans are when Christophe breaks up Kakane and Takeru's fight to be a jerk.
“I would not be so certain. Freeze, all of you. Your time for fun is now over.”
Dread seeped into Serena’s veins, replacing all of her blood with icy horror. She hadn’t noticed. Nobody had noticed. They were all too focused on the heart-thumping fight. A dinghy landed on the shore of the private beach. The armed men crammed into the boat could easily form a small legion. At the bow was an older man clad in shining silver armor holding a kama-yari in his hands. On the ship’s stern flew a purple and yellow flag depicting a tiger jumping over the moon.
“Halt!” Kai cried, running over to the dinghy. “I am Kai Kamohoali’i, king of Aupuniotiaki. Who are you and why do you come trespassing on my shores?”
“Well met, king of Tiaki!” boomed the older man. Serena cringed. “I am Count Christophe Sakamoto, the Shining Tiger, loyal knight of the Doryokan Empire, and faithful servant to His Majesty, Emperor Enjo Hononen! I come here following the long-standing orders of my liege. I have reason to believe that the Poseidon Islands and therefore you, king of Tiaki, are harboring fugitives deemed criminals by Doryoku. As such, I have come in pursuit of these lowlifes to deliver them to justice!”
“Good knight of Doryoku, I assure you that my kingdom shelters no such people,” Kai said.
“Then who is he?” Christophe pointed to the black-cloaked figure on the strip of beach before him.
“Harper,” Kai asked calmly, “do you know this man, who claims to be a knight of the Doryokan Empire?”
“…No,” Kakane said. “I’ve never seen him before in my life.”
“He lies!” Christophe howled. “How foolish you are; you, who claims to be king of the Poseidon Islands! How could you believe such heinous words!? How you pale in comparison to my great emperor. A king you may be, Kai Kamohoali’i, but a fool you are also. An overly trusting, naive fool!”
“That’s quite enough,” Kenshin said hotly, unsheathing his sword. “Christophe Sakamoto, as captain of Aupuniotiaki’s guard, I must ask you to vacate these lands immediately.”
“Do not tell me what to do, filthy barbarian!” Christophe spat.
“How `bout you go and shut your gods-forsaken trap!?” Takeru yelled back. He ran over to Kenshin and covered his father with Gladion as if the sword were a bulwark. “Nobody insults my old man like that and gets away with it! If you’re looking for trouble, it’s right here!”
“You… Impossible. How is it you look exactly like…” An expression that could only be described as surprise flitted over Christophe’s face. It was gone as soon as it came and his stoic scowl quickly returned. “You, boy. You are coming with me to Doryoku. Rest assured that unlike the criminals, you will be treated with the utmost respect. This is not a negotiation.”
“You will do no such thing to my son!” Kenshin declared, gently pushing away Takeru’s barrier to confront Christophe.
“That is not your call to make,” Christophe snapped. “And that boy is not your son. As the emperor’s regent, I must act accordingly. If you will not hand over the fugitives or the boy to me peacefully, I will simply take them by force.”
“Why you… Never have I met a man so pretentious in his stature!” Kenshin’s entire face had gone red. “How unfortunate others of your stature are not here to rebuke you. The knights of Balinoir would never let this come to pass.”
“How dare you compare me to those Balinoirian sissies!” Christophe seethed. “Ah, you must be the mongrel, then! I heard rumors long ago of a Balinoirian patrician running off with a Tiakian tramp but I didn’t think they were true. Yet here you stand before me, you mutt.”
“What’d you just call my father!?” Takeru raged. “You’re not getting away with that!”