My idea so far that I need help fleshing out: A teenage girl visits her dad for the summer while he works in Timor-Leste. Her dad complains about every aspect of the country and he is not happy to be working there because he has been forced to live there by his company. He lives in a hotel while working there and is always waited on. There is a service that cleans his room every day, he pays the staff to do his laundry, he doesn't know how to cook himself so all his meals are eaten at restaurants or cooked by the hotel staff. Everything is done for him. While his daughter visits, he constantly comments on the country's shortcomings. His job is to help the country improve their infrastructure and he works for a big company. He's one of those businessmen and you never really know what they do, but from a teenage girls' perspective it just looks like meetings and meetings and work trips and important calls and documents. It doesn't really mean anything to you. The girl is able to enjoy the country while she is on vacation but she feels frustrated that her father seems to be tainting every experience by making a comment on how it doesn't compare to where they're from. The dad is very condescending towards the country and he doesn't realize it. He is very demanding towards service people and just gives off an entitled attitude. Nothing is good enough. He calls the country "uncivilised" and "backwards" when really they've been exploited for their resources by other countries. His job is to help them develop as a country, but he constantly looks down on the country even though it it is not the fault of the people living there. He is an important person. He meets with the president of the country. While he works, his wife and daughter explore the country and see the beautiful parts of it. The entire family sees the country from a privileged lens, but the father sees it from the lens of a resentful businessman who was forced to live separate from his family, while his wife and daughter see the country a beautiful tourist destination. They go shopping, eat coconuts, go around the market, check out the movie theatre. The go swimming and through the beaches and watch shows together on the television i the hotel room while the father works. The country doesn't even have its own currency; it uses American dollars. Everything is so "cheap" The father is constantly trying to bargain with the market sellers to make things less expensive. Yet he's trying to help. the country be more developed. He can't stop comparing the country to other cities he's lived in before.
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