I believe I briefly explained Tiakian marriage to most of the people present here at one point. I will now share two examples of the explanation in-story. The first is more akin to an infodump and is used as a retroactive explanation to the second example, in which an actual Tiakian person reacts to a certain situation. For these scenes, think of Vox and Voxians as our perspective in the fact that the reader can basically slot themselves into Serena and Kakane's role to understand the explanation. Then there will be classic Takeru-Kakane humor.
Chapter 6
“I think I did overhear you at one point saying you were the queen of Tiaki,” Kakane remembered. “Is that true?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, technically,” Mira said with a shrug. “We were childhood friends and we decided to get married when he got crowned. Wait, you guys are Voxian. I have to explain this to you. Um,” She frowned, “how do I explain this? Okay, so you know how in other places, when people get married, they hold a ceremony and everything? I know in Vox you guys exchange seashells and throw a party.”
“Well, in Aupuniotiaki, we don’t do that,” Mira explained. “When people wanna get married, they just move in together. That’s kind of it. Kai’s technically my husband, yeah, but only because I moved into the palace. And I only did that to better serve as his advisor. That’s kinda the whole reason we got married. We’re not into all that lovey-dovey or having kids stuff. Eugh.” She pulled a face. “He’s my best friend! By that metric, why wouldn’t I marry him? Made things a lot more convenient for work matters. Besides, ensuring an heir is Kai’s sister’s job. Though between you and me, that girl’s love life is dryer than an Aegyptan desert! No one wants a woman who can slam-dunk them into the sea.” Mira chortled.
“Is that so… I think I get it.” Serena said with a nod. “So you and the king are more akin to roommates than you are what Harper and I would conceive of a married couple.”
“Yes! Exactly that!” Mira said excitedly. “You made it sound so much simpler than I did! Y’know, Sandra, I think you and I are gonna get along great! Ay!” Mira gasped. “Why don’t you guys come to the palace with me? I can point you in the right direction from there so you can get set up in Aupuniotiaki and everything!”
“I think,” Serena paused to glance at Kakane, who bit his lip but nodded curtly, “we will accept that offer. Thank you, Mira.”
Chapter 12
Kakane watched as Serena left the throne room trailing behind Megrez. He couldn’t help but smile and wonder what on Eyuth that girl was planning. Whatever it was, the princess wouldn’t see it coming.
“Ay.” Kakane turned around. It was Takeru, looking more irritated than ever. “You gonna continue pining for your wife or are you gonna follow me and get a move on? Hippocampus dung, I can’t believe I’m stuck doing menial work for you again.”
“Wife!?” Kakane hoped Takeru couldn’t see how scarlet red his cheeks were. “Where in Strongjaw’s name did you get that!? Sandra’s not my wife!”
“Huh?” Takeru’s expression quickly changed from one of annoyance to confusion. “But… The two of you asked to stay in the same room. And you have different surnames. Doesn’t that mean you’re married? Only couples ever share the same living space! Are you guys blood-related somehow?”
“I— Hold on.” Kakane rubbed his temples. Mira explained this to him before on the `Aeto, didn’t she? “No, Sandra’s not my relative. She’s— Okay, look, I have a limited understanding of how marriage works in Tiaki, but where I come from, there are certain steps that need to happen before people tie the knot. Sandra’s not my wife. We’re just partners.”
“I don’t see the difference.”
“I— Rrgh, you know what? Just get it through your thick skull that Sandra’s not my flipping wife, alright!?”
“Ay, geez, I get it! Let’s just go,” Takeru huffed.
Kakane sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Remember the plan, remember the plan… You gotta focus on befriending this guy! But what in Strongjaw’s name am I supposed to do, especially after that disastrous start!? I’ve never made small talk before in my life! What do teenagers even gossip about!? Uhhhhhh…
“So, um… T-That’s quite an unusual-looking sword you have on your back,” Kakane coughed out. Takeru glared at him.
“You tryin’ to pick a fight?”
“What? No! Why!? I’m a blacksmith! What blacksmith wouldn’t be interested in unusual swords!?”
Salted fish heads… Okay, just stick to the plan, stick to the plan, stick to the plan…
“Sure, keep making excuses,” Takeru growled. “Nobody lays a finger on Gladion without losing a limb. You better get that through your poi-filled head of yours, you got that, arsehole!?”
Arsehole!? Oh, that’s it! I’ve had it with this bastard!
“What is your problem!?” Kakane exploded. “Listen here, salt-for-brains, I don’t know what your flipping issue is, but you can keep your stupid delusions to yourself, alright!? Just take me to this gods-forsaken smithy and leave me alone so you can turn back into a fish and jump off a flipping cliff!”
“What was that!?” Takeru roared. “Now you’ve done it, you little piece of hippocampus dung! I’m gonna beat you up so hard, you’ll wish you’d never been born!”
“Try me, Half-and-Half!”
“That’s enough!” Kenshin appeared out of nowhere and struck the side of his hand against both boys’ heads. “Kanehikili goads you to anger. Takeru, you must respect your peers. Good Harper, I must ask that you control your temper. This palace is no place for a brawl. I won’t have either of you tarnishing your reputations like that.”
“I, uh… Ahem. I-I’m sorry,” Kakane said meekly. This is not how I wanted things to go…
“Tch.” Takeru clicked his tongue.
“I heard from Kai that you are our newest blacksmith, Harper,” Kenshin said. “Please, follow me; I will lead you to the smithy. Takeru, don’t you slink off; you’re coming too. This was your task. You must see it through.”
“Ugh, fine!” Takeru grumbled.