Elliot the III: "Oi, my name's Elliot Lewis Thompson III, I am the grandchild of William Shakespeare, and the older sister of Elizabeth Barnard, I'm from England of the United Kingdom, nice to meet you"
The Deteriorator: "Makaveli, this is my henchman Elliot Myron the III, the first grandchild of William Shakespeare and the older brother of Elizabeth Barnard and I'm sure you know that by now"
Makaveli: "So you're the one who created a notebook that was designed to stop all foes that upend in your way?"
Elliot the III: "Yes, that's right mate, And i take it you're makaveli from 5746 23rd street?"
Makaveli: "He says while he tries to let him finish his story, Wait a minute, so you're part of the alliance group too?"
Elliot The III: "Yes, I am, And you are makaveli, the person who rushed out of his parents house after getting a scolding, isn't that right?"
Makaveli: "Yes, Actually, the reason why I ran away was because of a new phone I just bought, actually it isn't a phone, it's a hands on device that lets you do whatever you want, including summoning monsters and humans, powerful humans"
Elliot the III: "That's the scariest part, your parents know that you bought the phone on purpose, but they didn't care that it was a compatable and infinitely connective to every source of device object in the world, you should've been smarter and just left the man alone, but you chose to get involved, the most cowardly thing about you is you don't stand up, take responsibility, and fess up to what you've done"
Makaveli: "That's a lie, I always show integrity, no matter what, even If I do something bad"
Elliot the III: "I'm not saying you don't have integrity, I'm saying running away from your parents is selfish and an entitled move, you should always say something to your parents"
Makaveli: "I only did it because they wouldn't let me do anything that involves doing things by myself"
Elliot the III: "So, how'd you run away? Did you take the bus and leave somewhere? Where's your family?"
Makaveli: "Um, I don't have a family, they all just went away somewhere to a forbidden country"
But before they could continue the conversation, an evil alien appeared, and it showed up in front of the Deteriorator, and makaveli, and elliot and the Deteriorator all ran away to the outside of her lair and closed the door
Makaveli: "What was that? Was that some kind of UFO or mutant?"
The Deteriorator: "They're called hysterio types, the type of aliens who can strike a move on you, get inside your brain and plug you out of the matrix forever, that's the type of enemy they are"
Makaveli: "So that's what you guys call aliens? Now I feel more than prepared, I should just get settled"
The Deteriorator: "What's there for you to be prepared of? You've never come here nor have you gone to the other side of hell, and besides you're here with us, Who needs your parents when you've got an army with you? we're way better than them and we can prove it to you "
Makaveli: "In what way can you prove it to me? For all i know, My parents are clueless, Wreckless, careless, Scumbags, They only want me to be a child, They don't want me to live my life, They're lying, How do you think i'm rectifying things at home? You know last time, he told me it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game and how good you get at it? And that last time one of the people that was on i can see your voice, after getting nearly 4 out of 1 question right, chose to walk away and refuse to take on the challenge, AKA the duet sing off finale, I swear, People like her are cowards"
The Deteriorator: "Hey, don't say that about your parents, they're trying to help you, if anything, I think they're good people I'd love to meet someday"
Makaveli: "My parents are dead to me, but you know nothing about them, all you know is their strengths and weaknesses, you know how they are, one is drunken and manipulative, and the other is an elder brother of mine but an egoist, he thinks he's always right in the head but he's actually in the wrong, the reason why I left though was because I actually wanted to tell them I got a new phone even though I should've never gotten it, He doesn't expect me to Know everything else, but he sure as hell doesn't expect me to tell him the truth, and when I got to the hole and fell down here, I saw a succubi lady, a man with a notebook and pen, and he even accused me of being a spoiled brat and talking over him, and not knowing anything, he thinks I've forgotten everything, and who he really is, but I know deep down, that even if he's older than me, I can still help him out, even with his anger and his loudness problems"
As accomplices gather around and hears makaveli's story, the Deteriorator also hears what he's trying to say, Elliott the III, also listens to makaveli's story, he even goes as close as to believe him
The Deteriorator: "Even though that's so sad, that's also pretty true, your parents are pretty harsh, they deserve to give you a break"
Elliott the III: "I agree my friend, your parents are twats, they know no better, and your brother sounds like he graduated from college, but still, I accept you told me that history of an abrasive family, oi, cheer up, at least you got us as a family, you don't need your family anymore, let's all celebrate together, but first, we should run away from here, those damned hysterio types are almost in the lair, I'll get us out of here with my superpowers, Wind blast" Elliott uses wind blast to escape the swarm the hysterio types, knocks into the enemies, and goes onto the floor of the netherworld, and you could see the gargoyles and the volcanoes, it was like walking into the depths of hell*
Makaveli: "Why am I still walking like this? My feet aren't burning, but I'm still smelling smoke from the volcanoes"
The Deteriorator: "This is the netherworld silly, have you forgotten I live here now?"
Elliott the III: "Yeah, I'm also friends with her, and I share the same experiences with her, and we like different things"
Makaveli: "It's good that you know each other very well, Even I knew some of my friends before I went to school with them and I never knew any of their names, i knew some of their names And they weren't really taciturn, they were just revealed, some of their were my imagination's figments, including my brother and my Dad"
He says while Elliott and the Deteriorator walk into the netherworld's ground and lay onto it like they're immune to fire
The Deteriorator: "Are you sure your parents are just images of your imagination? I think they're just a bunch of self centered jerks who pretend to do something nice for you"
Elliott the III: "Yeah, those lot don't need to be disrespecting you like that, we don't show any discipline, but we also don't show mercy nor do we accept forgiveness, or compliments, especially if you lie to us, which you didn't, your secret's safe with us, lad"
Makaveli: "My secret's safe with you? Do you mean you won't tell anybody?"
The Deteriorator: "Of course we won't, after all, you are one of us"
Elliot the III: "Yeah, we live as a family and die as a team"
They soon get up from the volcanic ground and stand up as they try to dust their selves off
*As they try to walk through the sand, they see the building that looked like a pyramid, then they walk into the sand as they put on some sun boots, and then get onto hard floor, the words of masr appeared in the side of the door, it said in an arabic language enter the password to open the door, meaning it was 'adkhal kalimat almurur lifath albab' in Masr, then makaveli enters the password carefully by playing his cards right, the passwords were also in masr, shibh jazirat sina, and alsahra algharbia, the first password was sinai peninsula, and the western desert in english, suddenly, the door opened and makaveli, the deteriorator, and Elliott entered inside*
The Deteriorator: "Now come on, let's go find out what those hysterio types are up to"
They walk all the way over to the chest eye like it was like a The eye of horus they get close to the eye and touch it as they tiptoed to it
Makaveli: "What's that thing doing in the netherworld?"
The Deteriorator: "That thing's called an anuput, except it puts you through one of the hardest tests so far"
Elliott the III: "Yeah, you'll barely get any of them right, mate, you'll just not make it, just like you won't make it through driver's Ed class"
Makaveli: "Really? That's the Anubi? The glowing eyeball with the sharp teeth and the brown hair on his nose hair? That guy looks like the monster that was separated from its body, It looks more like a jackal but more humanly and has a face of a shepherd"
The eye of horus moves around and moves it's eye
and turns his head to makaveli and Elliot the III, and the Deteriorator and unlocks itself and opens it's eyes and starts to glare at makaveli and Elliot the III and the Deteriorator, the anubi appears and has sharp teeth, a staff, a gold helmet, and a Egyptian outfit, he almost looked like an pharaoh
Makaveli: "Who are you? Are you the leader of the pyramid? Are you an Egyptian dog? Or just a Anubis?"
The Deteriorator: "Yeah, are you even a part of the Egyptian pyramid? I never even heard of the place until I saw it was from Africa"
Anpu: "Greetings, humans, I am anput, I am here to give you one of the most difficult tests and glare at them who dares look down on me and insults me, and you boy, you are makaveli, right?"
Makaveli: "Yes, I am, that's right" He said while he was looking up to the anubi as he was 6'10 ft "Are you really the leader of the pyramid?"
Anpu: "That's right, I'm the leader of this temple, and the ruler of the pyramid, and these friends are your "accomplices" Am I right?"
Makaveli: "That's right, sir, they're my friends and my accomplices, and they're also my allies"
The Deteriorator: "Correction, my accomplices, and we're your allies, let's get that straight"
Makaveli: "Oh, that's right, I didn't notice, thanks for telling me, devil lady, but still, we're here to make the tests"
Anpu: "Yes, I do in fact, I have three tests that involve strength, dexterity, and knowledge"
He announced the three tests as he opens the eye of Horus, and the eye of Horus turns itself as a walking stick, into a figure like object able to move his bones and do things he had never done before
Makaveli: "That eye of Horus thing, it's moving? How'd you get it to move?"
Anpu: "With figure manipulation, I can turn any stoned item into an object like figure, like this, let me demonstrate it to you"
The anpu turns the boulder into a model of stone and it moves with its arms and legs, and picks up a rock and throws it at the wall and it breaks and the people were amazed and even Elliott the III was surprised and in awe
The Deteriorator: "That is amazing, it just picked up that boulder and threw it at the wall as if it was superman, I'm amazed"
Elliott the III: "What is this object's strength? is it some kind of bodybuilder? I am baffled"
Makaveli: "The technique of his ability is so outstanding, I wonder how I can get to do that"
The anpu starts to point his staff to the ground loudly to get the people's attention
Anpu: "Silence! People! Enough of me talking to you about showing you "Magic tricks," and performances, I have a more important mission to give all of you, this is a test, your first test is to do some obstacles, jump over the ledge, run through the bridge to avoid the snakes, and jump onto the balls, and get your first orbs, your second test is to balance on the board as you are putting your arms out and make it through the sharks under the water and the flamethrowers underneath, and run and jump over the tracks and avoid the spike balls, you jump onto the platform and soft ground, and get your second orbs, your third test is to solve division and long term division math and answers, and you have to do it all by yourself, and get your 3rd orbs, and your 4th and final test, is to take on a gorilla, and an elephant and challenge them into a shove battle, and you get your fourth and final orbs, these orbs are proof that you complete the challenge Can you handle all 4 of those tests, or should you just forget about getting your powers?"
*Makaveli was scared sh*tless, but at the same time, he was determined to get those powers created by the god from the pyramid of Egypt, but his allies, were a bit scared*
Makaveli: "I'm ready, and amped up to get those powers and to save the world, You can count me in"
The Deteriorator: "Makaveli, no, you'll get sliced and diced by those blades, and eaten by those sharks, and fried by those flamethrowers underneath, don't do it"
Elliott the III: "Please, my friend, don't risk your life for a superpower, you'll die trying, there are billions of orbs you have to capture and give to the Egyptian god, please walk away"
Makaveli: "You guys stop worrying, Deteriorator, and Elliott, I'm gonna be all fine, I'm not gonna get hurt, if I do, I'm sure it'll only be a scratch, I'm only doing this for my forgotten memories and my friends"
Makaveli's allies/accomplices stood back as he was determined and eager to take on the challenge and uses the powers to rewind time to save his fallen heroes/friends, do something heroic or evil, or use it to revive one of his dead legends
The Deteriorator: "Ok, I believe in you, but if something bad happens to you, I'll never talk to you again, in fact, I won't even look at you"
Elliott the III: "Yeah, we'll just ignore you and turn our backs on you"
To be continued