I enter this maze
Lost and scared
shivering cold from the wind
words muddle
My fault why why
Did I sink so down below?
I must endure
Each trial gets harder and harsher
Why must I endure this torment?
Pausing is not the answer i will be stuck here forever.
Deciphering this puzzle
is the final step
to leave
My Curiosity
I reassure myself it leads where I want to be
I have seen the world before
I do not know what made me fall
Instead of floating
I found myself going down
I smelled the grass
My face breaks into a smile
I run the door gets closer
The bushes turn into silk-embroidered walls
The door is taller than made of wood
I open the door
I have a mirror
at the sides of the walls now transformed I see Barries grow
that i consume
i know
Part of this place will always be with me
However, I know I am its master
I watch back at
But move forward
Through the mirror transported
I feel the sunbeams from above
and feel the grass below.