My original idea for this novel was to have three separate novellas placed into one book, and I debated alternating chapters or telling the stories one after the other. The ending effect would be different of course, based on the set up, as one story could indirectly influence the next one, but these stories are not happening on the same timeline, and so the characters are not affecting one another directly.
There was also going to be a motivational book of some kind that miraculously applied to their individual lives and struggles and gave them advice at the right time in their life. I wanted to mirror a journey of personal growth in real life, where the protagonist’s slowly become primed for change and find peace and resolution with their struggles.
Only now I have no idea where to take the book from here. I wrote backstories for the three protagonists and I believe I should start writing their stories one at a time, then decide how I wish to arrange them together in one book, but I can’t seem to figure out where I want to take them. I only know where they’ve come from.
The three characters are as follows:
Oliver Green Bautista: A 25 year old latino transman who is trying to graduate college, and mend his rocky relationship with his father after the death of Oliver’s mother last year. Oliver’s father Matias tries to be understanding but Oliver is too stuck in his own head and grief to see it. He also tries to run away from his problems through relationships and substance abuse.
Hazel Baxter-Bautista: a 32 year old stay at home mother who stepped down from being a lawyer to take care of her daughter Olivia (who, yes, is actually Oliver) while her husband Gabriel Matias Bautista manages his business and financially supports them. Their marriage has been slowly falling apart due to bad communication and Gabriel traveling so much.
Karla Torres: A 30 year old single mother who works two waitressing jobs trying to support her daughter Leah, that she had when she was 18 after she was assaulted at a college party and shunned/ denounced by her family for the pregnancy. She is trying to get back to college and advance her career so that she and Leah can have a better future.
Finding where to go in a story is always difficult and messy. I think you have a solid base for all of your protagonists and have a clear understanding of their struggles, goals, and flaws. I think digging deep into each character will help find the character arc and where the character should be at the middle and end of the story. Maybe start some freewriting on where you want to take the characters or what you want your audience to get out of the story.
Also consider: Theme. What ties all of these characters together? What do you want to glean from each of these stories? You mention change and peace, but what specifically do you want to say about these things?
Exploring these things can help you find the emotional core of the novel.
As for not knowing where to start, just start. Begin writing some drafts. Let them be terrible. Let them be messy. Writing is a process, but one worth pursuing. Good luck and have fun!