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A man wakes up in the middle of the night to find that he is trapped in his bedroom. His wife no where to be found. He makes it to the bathroom and while peeing notices the window now has a lock on it. Freaked he goes to the bedroom door to try and find his wife but finds he can’t leave the door. He then hears strange sounds coming from the closet that sounds like animalistic sounds. He then encounters various disturbing images and then finds at the end of them he ends up outside his door. Coming to realization that he’s outside his bedroom now he yells for his wife. Not before he goes to check on his kids but finds their beds empty. He then begins to curse at however is doing this to him and begins to threaten them. He then hears a baby’s cry from another room walking in he encounters another set of disturbing visions. He wakes up in the attic and looks through things trying to find a way to escape his house due to the attic having no windows. As he picks up an old photo it triggers flashbacks then more disturbing images until dazedly he falls through the attic into another room triggering a short set of visions. He is then yanked out of his visions by a non humanoid figure(like from silent hill) that leaps from out of no where and chases him down the hall. He finds that the hall is never ending and he is running in a continuous loop before he blacks out and falls down the stairs. Finding he is in a different portion of the house he begins to question if he’s losing it and begins to cry. Thinking to call the cops he try’s to make his way to the kitchen to the phone but finds that door too doesn’t open and he tries continuously to open it before it finally gives in to see the ghostly figure of his mother holding a gorey baby in the kitchen from his childhood before he calls “moma” and blacks out again. When he regains consciousness he awakes in his home kitchen when he reaches for the phone he finds he cannot pick it up and resigns to call for his wife again. After walking around downstairs he finds the non humanoid figure again but it morphs into a person from his past who replies “you know me” when the he asks him “who are you, what do you want from me”? The figure points towards a burning door as the screams of his wife are heard. Running, to the door he wraps his hand in a wet towel (wetted from breaking a flower vase) and tries to break the door down while screaming “what did you do?” to the figure. When he breaks the door down to the big center library he sees a figure sitting in the center of a leather couch with the room seemingly unfazed from the blazer door. When the figure turns around it is another version of the main character who replies to him “No, it’s what you did.” Shocked, our main character backs up and hits a wall then slides down scared and when the figure approaches him they have the same conversation he had with the non humanoid figure from upstairs then he starts crying.
An onion slowly unpeeling itself until you reach the center- The House