“I’ll do most of the talking,” Juuzou volunteered as they left the classroom and descended down the hallway.
“No, I want to say what I can to Izayoi,” Ayu insisted. “It’s gonna be really hard… And I’ll probably stutter a lot, but… I don’t want to just leave this to you, Juuzou.”
“Are you sure?” His brow furrowed and he frowned.
“Yeah! It’ll probably be scary, but I have to try, don’t I?”
“Ayu…” Juuzou observed Ayu’s beaming but nervous face and smiled. “Alright. Just be careful, alright? Izayoi is unpredictable.”
“I will. Um, but,” Ayu glanced about, “do you even know where to find Izayoi?”
“I have a few guesses.” Juuzou clicked his tongue. “Fucking hell, they showed this to us during initiation; where is the damn door to behind the school!?”
“You didn’t pay much attention during the tour, did you?” Ayu giggled as Juuzou glumly shook his head in embarrassment. He glared at her in playful mock irritation but his face broke into a goofy smile as Ayu only laughed harder. “Follow me; I think I remember.”
The heavy door was at the end of an abandoned hallway; try as she might, no matter how much strength Ayu pushed the door with, it wouldn’t budge. This time, it was Juuzou’s turn to giggle as he watched Ayu struggle. She puffed her cheeks out at him; a playful expression that quickly turned into a deep pout as Juuzou effortlessly shoved the door open with just one hand. He cackled and Ayu stuck her tongue out at him as she stepped outside.
“Don’t worry, Baby, you’re plenty good at a bunch of other things,” Juuzou reassured her, pecking her on the forehead as he closed the door behind him.
“Baby?” Ayu echoed. Juuzou grinned.
“`Cause you’re small and shrimpy.”
“What? It’s a cute pet name, isn’t it?”
“I’m not that much shorter than you,” Ayu grumbled. Juuzou barked out a laugh and patted her head; if he wanted, he could use her as an elbow rest.
“Sure, Ayu, maybe if you drink a bit more milk. Anyway,” Juuzou’s gaze hardened, “no more jokes. If Izayoi’s really here, we gotta get serious.”
“I’ve been here,” a voice called out; Ayu and Juuzou tensed, “listening to you two flirt. Sheesh, you really couldn’t take your snogging somewhere else? These are my stomping grounds at school, y’know. Though,” Izayoi Akira emerged from between the thick trees, a lazy but sinister smile playing on his lips, “you’re the first people to cross my turf twice. That’s a first… I’m intrigued.”
“Izayoi,” Juuzou acknowledged with a curt nod.
“Hey-o, Hanazoe! And little Hiiragi too.” Akira’s gaze turned to Ayu and she gulped. “Now, whatever could you want with little `ol me?”
“We need your help,” Juuzou replied. Akira’s eyes narrowed.
“With what, exactly?”
“T-To… To…” Ayu sucked in a deep breath; Juuzou glanced at her in concern. She squeezed her palms into fists. Her heart pounded beneath her chest but with Juuzou here, she could do this. Watercolors blurred the edges of Ayu’s vision but Akira’s face in front of her was clear. “We need your help stopping Naturae,” she declared.
“Ah…” Akira’s gaze darkened. “I should’ve guessed.” He slunk around them, circling Ayu and Juuzou like how a vulture swooped around a corpse. Juuzou shielded Ayu, pressing her closer to the heavy door. She shivered as goosebumps rose on her skin. “Going back on your big boy words from before, Hanazoe? Got too scared to face Naturae all by yourself, huh?”
“You know just as well as I do how unrealistic it’d be to face Naturae alone,” Juuzou quipped back. “Even handling just Pacifica and Arctic by myself would be a challenge. And if we’re not the only Agents of Thade, then they aren’t the only Agents of Naturae. There’s strength in numbers.”
“I guess you’d know a thing or two about that, being the former deputy of the Chasers and whatnot,” Akira scoffed. “But me?” He gazed at Juuzou with the eyes of a viper. “I’ve always been something of a lone wolf. It was fun pairing together as Death Frost and Storm, but now that I’m not tied to Thade anymore…” Akira grinned; he held up his hand and Ayu gasped as electricity crackled between his fingers. “I can use my powers for so much more interesting things than swatting around a couple girls in pretty outfits.”
“I’m not interested in bullshit like the ‘greater good’ or the ‘fate of the universe.’ You can take that crap and stuff it. Honestly, I don't care who wins the proxy war,” Akira admitted. “But I like fighting… And I’ve been itching to use my powers since our last meeting, so… Fuck it! I’m feeling generous today. How `bout this: I’ll offer you a deal, Hanazoe.”
“What is it?”
“There’s one thing I hate more than anything and that’s being bored,” Akira revealed. “If you can entertain me for a solid hour, then I’ll play along with your little hero act and help you stop Naturae. What’ll it be?”
“You’re on!” Juuzou agreed.