Death Frost’s attention snapped to Lively Arctic and Storm. The white Agent of Naturae blasted a flurry of ice and snow at Storm, sending him flying. He screeched as frost spread across his body. The snow mixed with the lingering winds from Eden’s Heaven’s Gale and cloaked the area in a misty blizzard. Frost furrowed his brow and squinted. He couldn’t see a damn thing… Pacifica and Eden used to be right in front of him but now, he had no fucking clue where they were. Frost ran into the foggy snow and tried to push it aside, but it was no use. No matter how much he wandered around while swiping at the mist, he couldn’t find any of the Lively Trio. They probably escaped as soon as the smokescreen went up; did they plan that? Death Frost stopped himself from running off the edge of the roof and sighed. He wasn’t learning any of their identities today.
He leaped down and de-transformed in the shadows of a neighboring building. Juuzou cracked a few kinks in his neck and stifled another sigh. This day had been nothing but horseshit…
“You freakin’ little bitches… Don’t run away, dammit, things were just getting good!”
Fucking— WHAT NOW!?
Juuzou’s eyes widened. Lightning coursed down the street as Death Storm raised his hands above his head. Gravel and asphalt shot everywhere as deep cracks snaked through the road. Juuzou’s jaw dropped.
Most of their fights with the Lively Trio occurred in hard to see or reach places; it kept them all away from the public eye and conscious. The last thing any of them wanted was for some sort of authority figure to spot them and question what the hell they—in their weird colorful outfits and otherworldly elemental powers—were doing. Thinking about it now, this was also how Ayu spotted the fight between the “cosplayers” on the day she and Juuzou first met! Death Storm attacked Lively Pacifica as they were all retreating—and therefore out of the comfort of a hidden area—for some stupid damn reason. And now he was tearing apart the street!? Did he want to get fucking arrested!?
“Oi!” Juuzou yelled, running onto the road. “What the fuck are you doing, you colossal idiot!?”
“Hah!? Who the hell do ya think you are!?” Death Storm scoffed. He waved his hand around, which was still charged with electricity.
“Put your goddamn hand down,” Juuzou groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I swear to God, you are the biggest fucking idiot I have ever met.”
“Oh, that’s rich, coming from a nobody,” Storm sneered. “Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me what to do? I could fry you right here and no one would be none the wiser!”
“For the love of— Fucking hell, Storm, it’s me!” Juuzou yanked out his Wither Seal. Death Storm blinked.
“Wait, that’s… Oh. Ohhhhh! You’re Death Frost!”
“Took you fucking long enough.” Juuzou rolled his eyes. “Now quit tearing the damn street apart. Someone’s gonna see and then we’ll both be fucked.”
“Holy shit, I didn’t realize my partner was the infamous Hanazoe Juuzou all this time,” Death Storm noted with a tone of awe. Juuzou blinked.
“You… know me?”
Storm chuckled and snapped his fingers. Darkness and lightning surrounded his figure. When they dissipated, Juuzou found him staring into the unmistakable face of Izayoi Akira.
“Heya, Hanazoe! It’s been a hot minute.”
“So you are Death Storm! I don’t fucking believe it. Hiiragi was right on the money!”
Akira raised a brow and asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The day we sought you out, I wasn’t trying to get back in with Honda and the Chasers,” Juuzou explained. “I don’t give two shits about those bastards. Why the fuck did you think Hiiragi was there? She saw you de-transform so we thought you might be Death Storm. We confronted you to confirm it or not.”
“Oh.” Akira pondered this for a second. “Why’d you wanna figure that out, anyway?”
“We’re trying to figure out the identities of everyone involved in the proxy war.”
“Huh. Okay. So are you gonna tell your little lady friend that I’m Death Storm?”
“…No.” Juuzou pushed back his long bangs. When he let his arm fall, his hair simply cascaded back down his face.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to drag Hiiragi deeper into this whole mess. If she learns who you are, she’ll just end up getting involved in the proxy war. I’m not letting that happen.”
“Uh-huh… Oh.” Akira’s eyes widened. “She doesn’t know you’re Death Frost, does she?”
“She doesn’t. And I intend to keep it that way,” Juuzou stated firmly. “But if I figure out the Lively Trio’s identities, I can hopefully part with Thade for good. That’s been my plan since the start. I never wanted to be one of its damn ‘Agents.’ I need to relieve myself of my duties to Thade as quickly as I can or Hiiragi will suffer because of me.”
“Gee… Sounds like you’re going through a rough time.” Akira paused for a second, then nodded. “O-kay, buddy-o! I’ll help you out.”
“I’ll help you find out the Lively Trio’s civilian identities!” Akira grinned and flashed two peace signs. “Sounds like it’ll be a fun time! I’m always looking for new sources of entertainment.”
Juuzou hesitated. Could he really trust Izayoi Akira? The last time the two saw each other, Akira pulled out a knife on him. The bastard even tried to harm Ayu… But on the other hand, Juuzou couldn’t rely on her to help him uncover the identities of the Lively Trio anymore. Not if he wanted to protect her from the proxy war. Having a person on the inside—especially his fellow Agent—would be invaluable. Juuzou couldn’t let this opportunity slide past him.
“Fine.” Juuzou offered his hand and Akira shook it eagerly. “Just don’t fuck this up for me, okay!?”
“Righty-o, I’ll be on nothing but my best behavior,” Akira promised. Juuzou wasn’t sure if he could believe this guy.
But with Akira’s help, if he could hasten his search for the Lively Trio’s civilian identities just by a bit… That was precious time Juuzou desperately needed to shave off. It was time he could spend with Ayu—stay by her side—and shield her from Yuuto. As soon as he wasn’t Death Frost anymore… Everything for Juuzou could start.