Ice spread across the hinges of Ayu’s bedroom window. As the cold seeped into the metal, it broke under its own newfound brittleness. Death Frost nudged the window open and leaped inside. He leaped inside and laid Ayu on her bed. He gripped her wrist. Her skin was pale but her pulse still stirred beneath Frost’s touch. He re-attached the Phantom Thief’s Signet to his Wither Seal and pressed it against Ayu’s chest.
The signet glowed and pulsed; waves of positive Naturae energy rippled over Ayu’s body. Death Frost held his breath. Ayu’s fingers twitched. Air sucked into her mouth and she gasped. Her eyes fluttered open.
“Ayu? Hey, Ayu? Ayu, can you hear me?”
“Yeah, it’s me. It’s Juuzou. I’m right here.”
The fingerless glove adorning Death Frost’s hands disappeared as he squeezed Ayu’s palms. Juuzou knelt next to her bedside so he was more level with her. Ayu rubbed her eyes as she blinked rapidly.
“Are you alright, Ayu? How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” she murmured sleepily. “What happened?” Her eyes popped open and she gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my god, Naturae! A-And then everything that happened yesterday—” Ayu squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered as tears stung against her lashes. She’d been in such shock since learning that Juuzou was Death Frost she hadn’t processed everything that happened. “Kurosaki… W-What was he talking about? Why did he do that? Why did he say that I ‘belonged’ to him? A-And then everything with Naturae—” Ayu buried her face into her hands as sobs wracked her body. “W-What is going on!?”
“Shh, it’s okay. Let it all out.” Juuzou pulled Ayu against his chest. She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder. He gently stroked her back as she wailed into his gakuran.
“…But that’s not everything, is it?” Ayu sniffled. Juuzou stiffened; Ayu felt it beneath her touch. She pulled back and looked into his slate blue eyes. He wanted to pull away and avoid her gaze but forced himself to return her tear-filled stare. “Naturae… It did something to me. Something happened while I was unconscious, right?”
“Tell me,” Ayu begged.
Juuzou sighed and set Ayu down on her bed. It creaked from his added weight as he sat beside her. He kept a sturdy arm around her shoulder; she leaned into him, resting her head against his chest as she looked up at him. Juuzou sucked in a breath and sighed again.
“Naturae… Stole your life energy for forsaking it. Thade told me. It showed up after Naturae took your seal and left. Thade explained that Naturae doesn’t have the power to kill, but it can toy with everything that falls under its domain of life. And it can get damn near close. So it basically left you for dead…” Juuzou’s grip around Ayu’s shoulder tightened. “You were going to die, Ayu. I did what I had to.”
“Juuzou… What did you do?”
“I…” Juuzou closed his eyes and grimaced. “Thade gave me a special signet: the Phantom Thief’s Signet. It has the power to steal and store Naturae energy. So… I used the signet to steal energy from Lively Pacifica and Arctic. Ayu, I’m so sorry. I know they’re your friends, but… I didn’t have a better option.”
“What? O-Oh…” Ayu bit her lip and closed her eyes. She leaned her whole body towards Juuzou, who embraced her tightly. “I-I see…” Tears oozed from her eyes. Her fingers clawed at her blankets and scrunched them into her palms. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she asked, “You guys… You guys fought, didn’t you?”
“We did,” Juuzou confirmed. “They thought I kidnapped you. Even if I tried to diffuse the situation… I doubt they would have listened. So… I did what I had to. I’m sorry,” he added. “I know how much they mean to you. They’re Shirogane and Kaede, aren’t they? Arctic and Pacifica, I mean.”
“Mhm.” Ayu nodded with a sniffle. She glanced up at Juuzou. His heart ached upon seeing the worry and panic consuming her eyes. “Juuzou… What now? We just started to become friends… Me and Rin and Sayuri. I don’t… I don’t want to lose them. But I don’t want to lose you, either! I’m not an Agent of Naturae anymore, but what will Rin and Sayuri say if they learn… If they learn that you’re Death Frost? I don’t care that you’re with Thade, Juuzou, I really don’t. I love you. I want to be with you. But… I just… I don’t…” Ayu shuddered. “What do I do now?”
“…I don’t know,” Juuzou admitted. “I can’t really say anything about your relationship with Shirogane and Kaede.” He paused. “Kurosaki is a different matter, though.”
“He’s a creep, Ayu,” Juuzou couldn’t help but glower, “and rotten right down to his core.”
“W-What? What do you mean?”
“The day we first met, after you left, Kurosaki and I had a conversation. The bastard admitted to hacking into your phone to stalk you. He stalks you, Ayu!”
“He what!? Kurosaki would never! He wouldn’t… Right?” Ayu gazed up at Juuzou hopefully but he shook his head. The hope in her eyes died out and tears took its place. “No… I don’t understand. Why would Kurosaki do that?”
“He’s just a bad person, Ayu. You should stay away from him,” Juuzou advised, pulling her closer to him. “Listen… I know you want to see the good in Kurosaki. You want to believe he’s your friend, right? That he has your best interests in mind.” Ayu nodded numbly. “But… That’s just not the case. Some people… they don’t deserve your kindness, Ayu. Kurosaki is one of them. He was manipulating your feelings and using your compassion against you. He sees you as an object he owns, not as a person. I know it’s harsh, Ayu, but…”
“Stop,” she whimpered, burying her face in Juuzou’s chest. “Even if it’s true… I don’t want to believe it. Kurosaki… Kurosaki always helped me when I was having a hard time back in Tokyo. He always supported me. How… How am I supposed to accept that someone so precious to me would do that?”
“It’ll be okay,” Juuzou reassured. “You have all the time in the world to confront your emotions one by one. Take it slowly. You don’t have to rush. Look at me, Ayu.” She glanced up; despite the tears fogging her vision, Juuzou’s face was clear. He firmly grasped Ayu’s hands in his own and declared, “Regardless of what happens or how you feel, I will always be here for you. I love you, Ayu.” The corners of her lips turned up and she cracked a slight smile.
“Thank you, Juuzou.” Ayu sucked in a breath. “No matter what Kurosaki does or what happens next, I’ll still love you. That’s the one thing I know for certain.”
“That means a lot to me, Ayu. Thanks.”
Ayu’s arms snaked up Juuzou’s shoulders and wrapped around his neck. He leaned down as her lips met his. The kiss was tender and soothing; just for this moment, all of their concerns washed away. When they pulled away, Ayu’s cheeks were wet, but she was no longer crying. She nestled her cheek into the crook of Juuzou’s neck and closed her eyes.
“I’m tired.”
“I’ll bet. You should get some sleep.”
Juuzou pulled back Ayu’s bed covers and laid her against her pillow. She kicked off her shoes, which fell by her bedside. She curled into a little ball and wrapped her arms around herself. Juuzou rose to leave when Ayu grabbed his hand.
“Stay. Please?”
Wordlessly, Juuzou closed Ayu’s windows and sealed them shut by freezing the frame with ice. He took off his shoes and laid them next to Ayu’s. He crawled onto the mattress beside her and tugged the blankets over them. Juuzou wrapped his arms around Ayu’s tummy and held her close. She could feel his heartbeat against her back, strong and steady. The rhythm comforted Ayu like a lullaby. She closed her eyes.
Ayu’s eyes fluttered and she yawned. She shifted underneath her blankets and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She glanced at her open window. The bright light of the setting sun glinted back at her.
“Oh, Juuzou!” Ayu gasped. She totally forgot she went to sleep with him beside her. “I’m so sorry, did I wake you?”
“Nah, you’re good. It was the damn sunlight.” Juuzou rose and yawned. He stretched his arms and added, “Normally, I can sleep through anything, but not even I can stand having a bright light glaring at my eyes while trying to get some shut-eye.” He snaked his arms around Ayu’s waist and kissed the base of her neck. “Feeling any better now?”
“Yeah… The nap really helped.” Ayu leaned into Juuzou’s chest.
A breeze flowed through the open window, rustling Ayu’s bedhead. Juuzou’s hair had come loose from his usual half up-do and now freely flowed over his shoulders. It tickled against Ayu’s cheek. She snuggled up to him and his embrace tightened.
“So… What now?”
“Your best guess is as good as mine.” Juuzou sighed.
“Then perhaps I may be of assistance?”
Ayu’s and Juuzou’s attention snapped to the middle of her room. The shadows below her desk and wardrobe slithered into the center of the space. It rose and formed a great oval, reminiscent of a door. Darkness swirled and lurked, forming mysterious shapes and writhing within the center of the portal. Ayu shuddered and scooted closer to Juuzou, who shielded her with his body. The room had suddenly grown ice-cold.
“Thade.” Juuzou narrowed his eyes. Ayu gulped.
“I apologize for my abrupt entrance. If you are ready, I welcome you to my domain; your safety will be guaranteed. I believe it is time for me to explain everything.”
Ayu and Juuzou exchanged a glance. They turned back to the shadowy portal. The darkness beckoned.